Two real-world experiments conducted by Crédit Agricole CIB in quantum computing produce conclusive results

Tech & Innovation

Crédit Agricole CIB conducted two real-world experiments in quantum computing in the field of finance, in partnership with Pasqal and Multiverse Computing

Crédit Agricole CIB and European technology leaders in quantum computing, Pasqal and Multiverse Computing, announce conclusive results on two Proofs of Concept using quantum computing in the field of finance. 

These two experiments, initiated in June 2021 by Crédit Agricole CIB, aimed to evaluate the contribution of an algorithmic approach inspired by quantum computing, and the potential of quantum computers for finance, in two areas: the valuation of financial products, and the assessment of credit risks.

The Bank partnered with French company Pasqal, a leader in the manufacture of quantum computers in Europe, and the Spanish company Multiverse Computing, which specializes in quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms, which can run on conventional computer systems.


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