Legal Notice

You have just connected to the website, the purpose of which is to present Crédit Agricole CIB's activities.


You are currently logged on to the official Internet site of Crédit Agricole CIB, Company with Limited Liability with a capital of EUR 7,851,636,342 whose registered office is located at 12 place des Etats- Unis, CS 70052, 92547 Montrouge CEDEX (France), +33 1 41 89 00 00, registered with the Nanterre Companies Register under the SIREN 304 187 701 ("Crédit Agricole CIB"), whose editor is Xavier Musca and whose editorial manager is Pierre Suze (e-mail address: externalcommunications@ca-

Finance Company authorised by the French CECEI (Comité des établissements de crédit et des entreprises d'investissement) to perform banking operations.

Member of the Fédération Bancaire Française.

Intra-Community Code - VAT number: FR 163 041 877 01.

The website host is Crédit Agricole CIB : 83 boulevard des Chênes, F-78280 Guyancourt. 
This website and the navigation on the site are subject to French law, to applicable regulations and to the following conditions of use.

This website is an information site. Persons having access to information made available by Crédit Agricole CIB on the website accept the following rules:


Crédit Agricole CIB holds copyrights on the site and on all of the works appearing on the site, in particular images, texts, iconographic and photographic representations, sounds and documents which may be downloaded from the site.

The reproduction or representation of all or part of this site, on any medium whatsoever, is therefore strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of Crédit Agricole CIB.

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The names "Crédit Agricole CIB", Crédit Agricole CIB Financial, CFM, E-private, eS2i, iod@, Optim, Equalt, as well as all of the logos corresponding to these names are registered trademarks of Crédit Agricole CIB. You may neither reproduce, delete, re-use nor modify these distinctive signs in any way when they appear on the pages of the site.


  • Job applicant selection procedure
    Job applicants making unsolicited applications or responding to job offers posted on the Crédit Agricole CIB website authorise Crédit Agricole CIB to pass on their application and accompanying information to any company in the Crédit Agricole group.

    If a person responds to a job listing contained on Crédit Agricole CIB's website, this does not guarantee that Crédit Agricole CIB will proceed with that candidate's contact, even if the candidate corresponds to the profile of the position being offered. Crédit Agricole CIB will contact candidates whose inquiries have been accepted in order to arrange for the person to meet the Crédit Agricole CIB personnel responsible for his/her recruitment. A candidate will only be deemed definitively to have been recruited once all of the recruitment procedures set out in Crédit Agricole CIB's internal recruitment policies have been complied with.

    Although Crédit Agricole CIB's website is regularly updated, it is not possible to guarantee that each position appearing thereon is still available.

    No contractual relationship will be created between the applicant and Crédit Agricole CIB as a result either of the applicant sending his or her application to Crédit Agricole CIB or, unless otherwise specifically indicated by Crédit Agricole CIB, of any subsequent exchange of correspondence, whether by electronic or regular means, between the applicant and Crédit Agricole CIB. Should the applicant accept a position offered by Crédit Agricole CIB, the terms and conditions of employment will be contained exclusively in a contract of employment governed by the applicable Law of the employer Crédit Agricole group entity country. Crédit Agricole CIB excludes all liability for positions no longer being available or employment applications not being accepted.

  • Responses to Employment Contacts
    Responses to employment contacts, whether spontaneous or not, will be sent to the electronic address indicated by the applicant. If the applicant does not give an electronic address, responses to applications will be sent by regular mail to the address of the person making the contact. The person making the contact assumes full responsibility for any electronic address provided to Crédit Agricole CIB to enable it to send its response to the employee's contact form. Crédit Agricole CIB excludes all liability for the confidentiality of the address indicated in the application in particular, a professional electronic address, not being maintained, thereby enabling third parties to learn of Crédit Agricole CIB's response.

  • Hiring of Foreign Workers
    Please note that, depending on the laws of the country in which the position being offered is located, there may be restrictions on the hiring of foreign workers or verification procedures to be carried out prior to the prospective employee being allowed to work in that country. No recruitment may be finalised until the person making the contact supplies any residence and/or work permits required by applicable local laws. Each person undertaking the contact process for a position with Crédit Agricole CIB must find out from the consular authorities of his/her country the necessary formalities to be complied with in order to be able to hold a position in the relevant country. Furthermore, should the contact be accepted, the individual will also be responsible for complying with all such formalities, at his/her own expense. Crédit Agricole CIB excludes all liability arising from the person's not being issued residence or work permits required by applicable local laws.


Access our Personal Data Protection Notice below:

  • Politique de protection des données à caractère personnel


The past results do not offer any guarantee regarding the future performance of an investment. An investment may rise or fall and investors may not recoup the amount originally invested. Moreover, exchange rate fluctuations may create a rise or fall in the value of the investments. 

The stockmarket data on the website, and the link to Crédit Agricole S.A. share price in particular, are provided solely for information purposes. Neither Crédit Agricole CIB nor any Crédit Agricole S.A. group company may be held responsible for any use made of these data. Similarly, neither Crédit Agricole CIB nor any Crédit Agricole S.A. group company may be held responsible for any error, delay, technical fault or interruption in these data.


Please note that company hardware and equipment, in particular computers, which are made available to employees by their employer may, in most instances, be used exclusively for professional purposes. The use for personal purposes, of computers made available to employees by their employer may lead to such employees facing disciplinary action. Please also note that local laws applicable to a person visiting Crédit Agricole CIB's website are likely to give the employer the right to set up checks and mechanisms enabling it to find out which websites are visited by its employees and the content of electronic mails sent or received by them.

Crédit Agricole CIB therefore recommends that persons wishing to consult Crédit Agricole CIB's website, to send an electronic mail to Crédit Agricole CIB and/or to apply for a position with Crédit Agricole CIB, should find out about applicable regulations- before doing so and, if necessary, should not use their company computer. Persons using their company computer to consult Crédit Agricole CIB's website, to send an electronic mail to Crédit Agricole CIB and/or to apply for a position within Crédit Agricole CIB are deemed to act in full knowledge of the implications and to assume sole liability in respect thereof. Crédit Agricole CIB excludes all liability that may result from the use by a person of his/her company computer to consult Crédit Agricole CIB's website, send an electronic mail to Crédit Agricole CIB and/or apply for a position with Crédit Agricole CIB leading to disciplinary action of any nature whatsoever.


Crédit Agricole CIB's website is not aimed at persons bound by laws of countries where (due to the citizenship of such persons, their place of residence or for any other reason) the circulation of, access to, or navigation on, this website is prohibited. Persons subject to such restrictions must not visit Crédit Agricole CIB's website.

Disclaimer regarding the products and services presented on the Site

No information appearing on the site shall be deemed as an offer for services or products, in particular bank or insurance products, from Crédit Agricole CIB, its branches or its subsidiaries, or as an offer or the solicitation for a purchase or sale offer of securities or any other investment product. Crédit Agricole CIB disclaims all liabilities regarding the content of the website pages and the use that could be made by anyone. Any person willing to be supplied with one of the services or products presented herein directly or by vertue of a hyperlink, should contact Crédit Agricole CIB in order to obtain information on the availability of the service or product in question, as well as the contractual conditions and prices applicable thereto.

Access to the products and services described herein may be subject to restrictions vis-à-vis certain persons or in certain countries. None of the products or services presented herein shall be supplied by Crédit Agricole CIB to a person in the event that the law of his/her country of origin, or any other country concerning him/her, prohibits it.

In particular, access to products and services described herein is not available to persons residing in Hong Kong, except where such products and services are provided by Crédit Agricole CIB, Hong Kong branch or other group entities registered in Hong Kong, or otherwise in accordance with the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571).

Although Crédit Agricole CIB makes all reasonable efforts to ensure it receives information from sources it deems reliable, it does not claim that all information or opinions presented on its site are true, reliable and complete. The information and opinions included on Crédit Agricole CIB's site are supplied by Crédit Agricole CIB for information purposes and only for personal use. They may be modified without prior notice. Information appearing on Crédit Agricole CIB's site does not constitute, in any way, investment advice or legal, tax or other advice. It may not either be considered as grounds for an investment or other decision. Any investment decision must rely on relevant, specific and professional advice.


By visiting this website and/or responding to any information or questions on this website, YOU ARE NOT FORMALLY APPLYING FOR EMPLOYMENT IN GENERAL IN THE UNITED STATES OR FOR ANY SPECIFIC POSITION IN THE UNITED STATES THAT MAY BE DESCRIBED OR LISTED ON THIS WEBSITE. Please be advised that, for purposes of recordkeeping and consideration for possible employment in the United States, you will not be deemed to be an applicant unless and until you complete the formal written application form, follow procedures and requirements applicable to positions located within the United States, and comply with the various legal requirements of the United States and the specific state(s) in which the position for which you apply is located.


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