9th Annual Industrial, Infrastructure & Power Credit Conference: assessing Covid-19 aftermaths & exploring green frontiers


A combination of issuer presentations, expert panel discussions and issuer/investor meetings, the 9th edition of our Industrial, Infrastructure & Power Credit Conference was a resounding success!

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Our Industrial, Infrastructure & Power Credit Conference has been a growing success over nearly a decade. This year’s virtual edition, hosted on November 19th, was yet another success, with issuers and investors connecting via video from all over the world.

A strong line up of issuers...

The strong line up for the first online edition drew the most significant issuers in the credit markets representing the top industrial, Power and Infrastructure sectors, over 250 participants, key credit investors, 6 group presentations and top experts gave 2 lively market panel discussions. For investors, this is a valued opportunity to meet all the major issuers from those sectors on a single day. Overall, this digital platform was a unique opportunity for our clients to share views in unprecedented times.

Logos of issuers

... taking part in panels featuring leading experts 

Photos of the panelists at the 9th Annual Industrial, Infrastructure & Power Credit Conference

Amid the Covid-19 outbreak and as hope grows for an effective vaccine, the conference was particularly timely, as it helped assess how investors and corporates rebuild their confidence, and progressively shift to a post Covid-19 environment: strategies will be reshaped to adapt to the long-term consequences of the pandemic, likely to be greener, more digitalised, while fiscal and monetary dovish policies are unlikely to let up any time soon. 

To discuss those issues, featured were two panels by leading experts:

  • Our first panel, ‘Macro: Assessing the aftermaths of the Covid-19 pandemic’, focused on the pandemic itself, and its economic consequences thanks to a variety of speakers, including a disease outbreak expert, an investor, an IMF representative, and credit research experts. 
  • Our second panel, ‘Green Finance: Exploring green frontiers’, assessed how issuers and investors are expanding this market, particularly as regulation, business opportunities and investment products all point in that direction.

Atul Sodhi

'This conference further highlights that the credit business is a key strength for Crédit Agricole CIB. We are committed to maintaining leadership in this business. Providing a platform like this to our clients, is an integral part of the value proposition as a leading bank in the credit markets. Thanks to all who contributed to make this event a success and big congratulations to all involved! 

The conference has added to the strong momentum with our clients in those important sectors, resulting in many business opportunities to be followed up.’

Atul Sodhi, Global Head of Debt Capital Markets

Beyond Business