2022 Activity Report



All over the world, a growing number of voices are calling for a low-carbon economy, better preservation of the environment and biodiversity, and greater social inclusion.
Philippe BrassacChairman of the Board of Directors of Crédit Agricole CIB

Crédit Agricole Group’s results for 2022 once again strengthen our position as a leading bank in France and in Europe: our capital, profitability, operational efficiency and risk coverage ratios demonstrate our strength and competitiveness. These results are remarkable given the environment in which we operate.

The current period remains characterised by uncertainties due to the return of inflation, the energy crisis and monetary policies. All these crises have left their mark on this year, the most dramatic being of course the conflict in Ukraine which has upset the geopolitical situation. In spite of the lack of visibility created by these short term changes, our long term future has never been so clear, nor has there ever been so much consensus surrounding it.

All over the world, a growing number of voices are calling for a low-carbon economy, better preservation of the environment and biodiversity, and greater social inclusion. In this specific context, our roadmap, revealed last June with our new strategic plan, sets a clear course and demonstrates our ambitions to truly facilitate, and even amplify, these transitions. It reaffirms our usefulness.

Our universal customer-focused banking model allows us to support our clients and to help them face all the transformations they have to deal with. At its own level, Crédit Agricole CIB cultivates our mission to be useful in all the regions in which the Bank operates: useful to the Group and its clients, by providing its expertise throughout the world, whether to midcaps companies or to large international groups. Useful to the economy, by supporting all sectors of activity and building long-term relationships with its clients, based on trust and transparency. Useful to society, by being a key player in financing the energy transition.

Our Group project is powerful because it is inspired by the conviction that our business development has a specific purpose, to serve the environment in which we operate. In this sense, it is consistent with our Mission, which is to act every day in the interest of our clients and society.