2022 Activity Report

Supporting the transformation of our organisation

During recurring events or one-off missions, employees shared powerful moments in support of a cause serving the general interest. These moments of solidarity, organised in several countries in which Crédit Agricole CIB operates, give employees the opportunity to get involved, while associations can present their projects to the Bank’s employees.

In France, employees took part in individual sporting events such as the Financial community’s Telethon. Over 300 employees covered more than 1,500 km in the race that took place on December 9, 2022 in Paris. Thanks to the United Heroes application, employees from various Crédit Agricole S.A. Group entities were also able to take part in this event online and walk or run individually to collect donations for AFM-Téléthon. Since April 2020, payroll donations allow French employees to donate to selected associations by giving up pennies from their salary via a monthly deduction made at the time of pay. Employees also have the option of adding 1 to 5 euros per month to their donation, with Crédit Agricole CIB matching each donation made. Donations are paid to one of the five selected associations: Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, Institut Curie, Le Cartable Fantastique, Pure Océan and Entourage.

Through Helping Hands, the Bank provides financial support for charitable projects in which employees are personally involved. The areas of activity are solidarity, social integration, the environment, education or health, in France and abroad. In 2022, 15 employees in France benefited from these “Helping Hands” to achieve their projects, as well as 11 internationally.

Overall, since 2013, the Bank has sup-ported nearly 350 charity projects led by employees, 120 of which were abroad.

In the United States, Crédit Agricole CIB supports The Bowery Mission, which helps people in need, and New York Cares, which focuses on education and children.

In the United Kingdom, the Bank supports the fight against poverty, precariousness and exclusion through the Charity programme.

In the same area, in Hong Kong, Crédit Agricole CIB supports Food Angel: employees help prepare meals for the homeless and needy. The Bank also continues its partnership with Enfants du Mékong.

Volunteers of the Charity Programme in the United Kingdom.